Health Services » Texas Immunization Registry

Texas Immunization Registry

ImmTrac is the Texas immunization registry, a free service from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). It is a secure, confidential registry that stores children's, Texas first responders', and first responder family members' vaccine information electronically in one centralized system.
ImmTrac contains over 73 million immunization records for more than 5.8 million Texas children younger than 18 years of age. This valuable information comes from a variety of sources including private health-care providers, public health clinics; Medicaid claims administrators, the Bureau of Vital Statistics (VSU), and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) clinics. Regardless of the number of sources, each client's immunization information is consolidated into one electronic record.
Authorized professionals such as doctors, nurses, and public health providers can access clients' vaccination histories. The Registry is a major component of the DSHS initiative to increase vaccination coverage across Texas.
How does ImmTrac work?
When a health-care provider gives your child an immunization, and you consent to registering this information, the statewide immunization registry, known as ImmTrac, is notified. ImmTrac will keep an electronic immunization record on your child. Some information contained in the registry is the child's name, date-of-birth, address, the name of the parent or guardian, information on the shots given, and who gave them. Optional (but very helpful) information stored in ImmTrac is the child's Social Security number and mother's maiden name. This optional information helps prevent duplicate records from being created.